Why K pop Drama, BTS racism to Indians?

BTS takes steps, many girls got hurt. BTS fans no longer in control. Racism in South Korea has caused many K-pop and drama fans to suffer. Why K pop Drama, BTS racism to Indians?

Why K pop Drama, BTS racism to Indians?
Why K pop Drama, BTS racism to Indians?

When I talked about racism in South Korea and also took the name BTS in it, many girls got hurt, especially mostly, after I waited for that brother, I will take some time and do some more research, although my Ko Short Short Of course, whatever I am saying is right, the first thing is that some girls feel that I have not watched many K Dramas, I have not seen many K DramasOnline South.

Either they have been to Korea or they work in those companies and have been to South Korea at some point or the other, like here South Korean companies are like K-Pop’s drama By the Way I Knew About It Still, what to tell about these people whose attitude is 100 and knowledge is zero. Another comment is if Indians are so innocent then there is no rape here. And there are many such comments where the racism that happens in India is no longer there. It is very convenient for you to learn this thing, and it will also be useful to you in the future, if ever you have a debate, then what happens often is when you are criticizing someone and that other person does not respond to your criticism.

If he is giving then what he does is that he targets you directly like if there is A and B and if A is criticizing B on some moment of life then who is B if he does not reply to his words. If found, he will target A and will bring out such things about A which perhaps should never be said or which do not seem appropriate at that time, such as comments like Indians are a little innocent, if they were innocent then rape would not have happened. Meaning, racism in India is of course, so the one who is doing racism in India, who is doing wrong, is a fool, illiterate, stupid.

How can this justify the racism in Korea I will also tell you that The level of crime which is established in India is a little different and the level which is outside is a little different, so it happens in such a way that suppose an Australian comes to India and he commits a murder, then he is charged with the same. Then charges were filed and he went to the court and said that brother, murders were already happening in your India, so what new thing have I done, so I should not be punished. Another comment is Don’t understand why he mentions it.

Even BTS takes steps against racism Now this comment if you look at it a little technically, he has also written Even BTS takes steps against racism No they do not take steps against racism They do not have the authority to take The Steps Against Racism: Only the government can do that work, administration can do it, these people can do it only by creating awareness and secondly when your viewers If your fans are from a country like India, then you do not speak against India, you speak with India. David Werner sir also does the same thing.

Shoya Akhtar Sahib also does the same thing and many people around the world are doing the same thing. There is another Korean channel that reacts to Indian movies and Indian things. In reality, do you feel that it makes any difference to them and that There is huge interest in Indian movies and reactions after watching them?

It is a different thing that after doing half a movie, everyone likes it, but really, whether India has its own social issues or its border issues, they are reacting even to the surgical strike, is it making any sense? talk They do it because they know they do it because our people, the people of our country, still need validation from outsiders that we are good, we have some strength and this is not just a channel’s story.

It is the story of many channels that after watching the videos of outsiders, if they mention India, give validation to India, or do good work, then we just have to give views there and we become very happy there, which is completely fulfilled. This is history, isn’t it? This is colonial history. We need validation from outsiders because we were told that we are good.

No, our culture is not good. Secondly, why are you targeting BTS? I am not actually targeting, my feeling is that if someone is a celebrity somewhere or is a very influential person somewhere, then he should take major steps and push him that brother, you speak about this, if you don’t speak. If it is, then you cannot receive the huge revenue and views that we are giving you. It is called a kind of protest. If you can tease BTS then you can tease South Korea.

And well, my video is in Hindi, I am planning now to create an English channel to tease you, only that person, that organization, or group that is influential, only then things change, otherwise it does not happen and the people who I am feeling a lot of pain, why am I evolving BTS, in this case, he is our own artist, this whole story goes everywhere, this is also a good thing which you people You should learn it, it will be very useful to you. Whenever something goes wrong, there is always that scenario that which everything happens.

Nothing can be wrong if as we say Pakistan sponsors terrorism but the common man of Pakistan is not sponsoring it, nor of course, he does not want to do any such activities and actually At this time, most of the time you will find such pseudo liberals type.

People will be found who will come in between and they will say that their brother, a common man also lives there, he is also affected, and he will also face problems if you take any action, suppose someone from India takes action against Pakistan, then the people there Pseudo liberals will come from all over the world Brother, here the general public is traveling, here they are traveling and this thing works in everything, now if you talk about BTS then people will be like pseudo-liberals so why are you talking about BTS, give an example.

Let me tell you, when there was a Bollywood boycott, this whole trick started being used in it too, like the cameraman is also developed in it and along with it there is a staff, there is a designer in it, there are thousands of workers, think about their lives. Do not boycott films. In such a situation, always remember that these are only good people’s minds.

Manipulating is a trick to fool, at this time a right decision has to be taken. The name Collateral Damage, which is a word, originated for the same reason, here you always have to make the right decision, the government, and the administration, and the right decision is that you take that decision, even if it is, collateral damage is happening because if If you don’t agree then things will not improve and things will remain the same. If India takes the decision thinking about the common people of Pakistan then the people of India will keep traveling like they did in the past if the staff members of Bollywood.

If all the decisions are taken after thinking about it, whether it is a boycott or not, then they never end their entire anti-Hindu campaign. I will show you the video, and it will appear on the screen in front of you. At first I thought that this must have been posted by an Indian who must have been in Korea and must have posted it but it was not like that, it is a Korean guy who is its administrator and that guy has a further comment in it that people might. Think I’m Doing It for Views But Telling the Reality of Our Own Country People Who Have Become So Obsessed with Korea That They Expected Korea as a Dream Land Something Like Korean Drama Age N,

Who is from Korea and belongs to his own country, is putting this reel and there are also our Indians who are more intelligent, some who have become so many fans of BTS that their hormones Now they are no longer in control, they have also reached there. A great knowledgeable person writes this is Rang De Aar So. Kind there are so many Indian people living in Korea in their videos They are kind The first thing is that the person who is blogging is an Indian who has gone to Korea, so anyway, he is not going to criticize Korea so easily because he is there only.

He is blogging, it’s fine, he has to live there, so the next one started insulting his own country, in defense of Korean dreamland, it’s not about other countries’ stuff, being an Indian and migrating to Different states for a career we still find people discuss netting each other our own country does this so IDT tell me bhai koi kanji ka hai kya kanji ka hai kya IDT kya hota mere ko to understanding nahi aaya it is surprising fact that other countries behave that way it’s fine you Will always find good and bad everywhere, this is the line of pseudo-liberals, na you will find good and bad everywhere.

Hey brother, talk about proportions. If you don’t talk about proportions, then in the realistic world you will You are not living, some sensible girls were also there, a lady writes, It’s not just South Korea, it’s the USA too I thought it was like Hollywood movies but Hollywood lied Indians are mostly treated well only in India on average and I will give you a little research The material I show is the video, you watch the video, you are normal, it is the video, if you had a million ringgit, what would you buy by the house, why because of you, how come in the house, my dad has a new phone, because I have all the games.

In my dad’s phone so if I buy him a new phone he can just give me that phone smart anything else you give me now the last one in this, you would guess that he is a little Indian type so a guy Had commented here that that last kid has been angry rightfully now what comment comes next is Mac Malak’s I doubt he will shit on streets in India now when I opened his profile and saw this guy He was a little Korean type guy. Now in this entire video, tell me what was so special about him that you find an Indian guy and write all these things to him in reverse.

Now one person also replies that my man is western and media slave talk for your kind information in this thing which you do yours was invented by India 5000 years ago when the whole world was never they get a place even in the same Pot devar eating food so know your place and this guy is doing it openly.

That guy doesn’t stop, he keeps on commenting Still Indian Goes Retrograde Evolving Backwards See Who is on Streets in 2023 Oh It’s You Guys Next comes another reply Then this guy keeps replying more and there is so much hate in his reply I read Now you will think, this normal guy, why does he hate so much? On the side of India, in a normal post, a person is finding his color and he is saying so much about India and then the debate continues in the comments because this thing exists, see which is ours in the world. There is a whole scenario that is created about how our government works and how our people are portrayed in society.

Our government has not done anything to change the perception. In the last 70-80 years, people here start feeling that he is a supporter of the BJP. If Modi ji has done this, we feel good. And we appreciate it, if someone feels bad then let him do so and all these images are created by money, man, this is a simple calculation, the person who has money is respected more.

The country has money, it is respected more, our country is growing, and our country’s economy is getting bigger but the per capita income is also increasing, although it has not reached that level yet, it is increasing, so it will go up further in the coming time and then our respect will start going up further, then these chicks, these things like this. We will not do it, but at the same time, we also need to have this realization, brother, who are we? Now you are living in dreamland and you friend, think with a basic sense that Korea is the hub of this entire plastic surgery by which humans are made beautiful. Now this obsession towards beauty is actually an off session towards beauty.

It’s not wrong to be but brother Let us talk about common sense, what is racism in reality? If someone is a race, he should not be discriminated against based on his birth, he gets all the features and properties, right? This is racism, now it is basic that no one should be discriminated against according to the birth he has got, now brother, in the country where plastic surgery has become a hub, it means that he is getting human like production. Instead of keeping it the same, it is being changed so that it looks beautiful and if it looks beautiful, it will appeal to many people in that country.

What do you expect from many people that they will not create the same standards of beauty after seeing you? Don’t judge how you look, brother. Mostly the Article was actually to make it more clear that my stand is the same for the BTS people and the racism that happens in South Korea and it happens to anyone.

According to Quora

Q1: Why do most of the Indians hate BTS?

Ans: What About Korean Kids In one of these interviews, another girl said that one of her Indian friends, who is a school teacher in Korea, was once told by some Korean students that we hate Indians because they look like mud, that is, according to the children there, we Indians are mud. Look like she is a Teacher And She Was Teaching And They Were Talking About India I Guess Small Kids And They Were Like Or Don’t Like Indian People They Look Like A Mary Now Just Imagine If Children Can Say This I Mean This.

Q2: Is kpop and kdrama being used as a tool by Koreans to hide the serious racism problem?

Ans: The vast majority of Koreans are racists—far more so than American white nationalists. The same is true for every foreigner who has attempted to obtain employment in Korea or who has spent more than a few months living here. Though many Koreans on Quora may attempt to deny that the majority of us are racists, they are only attempting to hide their racist tendencies before the skeletons start to come out. In the streets of Itaewon, I have witnessed racist taunts directed against Chinese, Japanese, South Asians, Latinos, Middle Easterners, Slavs, and even White Americans, as well as the giving of unkind stares to Africans. Though, to be honest, in my twelve years in America, I have seen more overt racism in Korea than in America. Here, we Koreans frequently complain that white people are racists

Q3: Why are some K-pop idols racist to black people?

Ans: Put racism behind you. To be clear, wearing anything connected to Black culture does not imply appreciation for Black people by non-Black Asians.
You would think that Asian ladies and men with bantu knots or cornrows would show some respect for Black people, but they don’t.
It’s just that racist K-pop celebrities and/or their followers are more interested in Black culture than Black people. While not all people who wear these fashions are appropriating other cultures, the majority are.
This is a result of individuals believing that Black people are inferior to them due to a combination of colorism and racism. Dark or brown skin is viewed as unclean in some cultures. Have you noticed how the characters in Asian television shows are all white? Apply their ideal of beauty to African Americans now.

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