Is South Korea very racist to Indians? Why INDIANs face Racism and Discrimination in South Korea? 

South Korean People Reasons of Hate for INDIAN peoples. Why do Indians visit South Korea if South Koreans don’t like them? Is South Korea very racist towards non-white foreigners? Is South Korea very racist to Indians? Why INDIANs face Racism and Discrimination in South Korea? 

Is South Korea very racist to Indians? Why INDIANs face Racism and Discrimination in South Korea? 
Is South Korea very racist to Indians? Why INDIANs face Racism and Discrimination in South Korea? 

Indians are not allowed, but such banners are put up outside almost every club in Seoul, Islam, and Hindu out, such banners are specifically. It is quite common in the stain city of Korea, oh my God what is this, Islam out Hindu is also written in it, now in some clubs of Seoul or in other cities such banners are not seen. Be that as it may, still this is the ground reality of Korea. Now let me tell you a situation. Imagine if you go to buy clothes and in the shop As soon as you touch the clothes, the shopkeeper immediately gets up and starts cleaning his clothes.

How would you feel? Well, this has happened many times with Indians in Korea. Have you ever faced any form and type of racism and discrimination? While we’re livin’ in when we go for shopping when we take a look at the Dresses and all then they become like they come very fast locks they become sitting and relaxing they just come dash and they like dusted OK I am not buying only Indians are affected. Seven out of 10 foreigners in South Korea say that they have Racism has definitely happened in Korea at some time or the other. In fact, the thing is such that after the British, now South Koreans have started considering Indians as untouchable and inferior. Same colonial historical background as us too.

Well, because of only two very superficial reasons, after listening to which you will feel that how can the thinking of Koreans in such an educated country be so small? This is only for Koreans. For Koreans Why They Have That Policy Why That Policy Or But You Can’t Discriminate Like That Right only for Koreans, not Indians This scene is not from anywhere else but from our own country where we Indians are not allowed to come to restaurants. Actually, in Anantapur, Andhra Pradesh, even the entry of Kia’s is banned.

In fact, the hate towards Indians among these Koreans is at this level. So much so that even the restaurant staff there are not Indian but Nepali citizens. Where do they work? They work here. You work here only. Yes, okay. So you are an Indian, no, you are from Nepal, yes, can you believe that all this is happening on our land, so just think.

Recently, Raj, who is a Korea-based Indian user, on his channel ‘Subtle Crazy Korea’ discussed a very important issue happening against Indians. As highlighted in his blog, Raj has actually been ruling Korea for the last 9 years. But last year he was taking his friends from New Delhi to Korea when his friends told him to go clubbing but Raj had never gone to Korea for clubbing, for him too Korean clubbing was a first. about to experience

Being a blogger, Raj started recording that experience as soon as he reached the first club. What happens to him? The guard stops him from going inside just because he is an Indian. The guard tells him that this is not allowed in the club, and tries the rule in the next club, but if you go to that club then they will The worst insult is that the guard of that club beats Raj and drives him away

In the third club, he does not even need to fight with anyone, there it is directly written on the board that Indians and Pakistanis are not allowed now you know what I personally felt most hurt in this whole incident, wait in two minutes we will discuss that but before that tell me what the mindset of Indians today about Koreans Indians Today Just Love’s Pop’s Dramajuniors when Raj and his friends were refused from three clubs So what hurt me personally the most?

Look, when all this was going on, many Koreans were watching it, but one of them also came forward and started talking to the Indians. Didn’t try to help. Now just remember that incident in which that South Korean YouTuber was teased by some chapari boys in Mumbai. Remember it went very viral lol. Then who came to save that YouTuber? An Indian boy came. Last year’s incident came to her rescue and the huge support given by Indians online was a different fact. The police itself took action and arrested those Chapri boys, just like in that fight.

The girl also did Raj by publishing a blog of that incident on YouTube. If you cannot form this complete opinion from three incidents, then leave me aside, and watch the same videos yourself. When I was doing Gotru, then there was a Korean channel Bam Korea. In the podcast, this Indian girl shared a very in-human experience of hers. She said that whenever she went to sit on a seat in a public place in Korea, Then as soon as he sat on that seat, other Koreans would get up and leave as if he was so-called untouchable. 

Have you ever experienced racism in Korea? 

In case I

Get On All Way I Sit Somewhere Person Besides Me Will Gar Up And Go Sit Somewhere And this is not an isolated case. He said that this experience is so common that now he has almost got used to it. It has happened too. Me So Many Times That Now I’m Used to It and What About Korean Kids In one of these interviews, another girl said that one of her Indian friends, who is a school teacher in Korea, was once told by some Korean students that we hate Indians because they look like mud, that is, according to the children there, we Indians are mud. Look like she is a Teacher And She Was Teaching And They Were Talking About India I Guess Small Kids And They Were Like Or Don’t Like Indian People They Look Like A Mary Now Just Imagine If Children Can Say This I Mean This.

Now, the reasons behind this racism are very interesting. The thing is that South Korea, which is the fifth most literate country in the world, has changed its beauty standards. The definition of bra is so rigid and cannot fit into the standard. C is the ideal bra cup size. Big firms prefer.

Pretty Eyes and Government Bocelli High Noses These are the basic requirements to get any job in Korea And mind you, this is a requirement that every Korean has to fulfill to get a job and leave aside private organizations, their own employment ministry, their government itself is openly supporting it and that is why their head is not limited to Indians only. To a great extent, racism is common there for foreigners. Let me give you an example of Tiki Kim, who is an Anglo Korean and after completing her graduation, came to settle in Korea from England.

She had come now because she had to settle down here. For this, Kim applied for a job interview, and as per the Korean norm, along with her resume, she also shared a normal photograph of herself. Now let’s see the day Kim got the interview in the company. When she reaches for the interview, she is shocked because after reaching there, let alone taking the interview, Kim was rejected by the company as a friendly person. Why do you know her? The reason was that you don’t look like this photo crazy, even after this Kim got so many rejections that she returned to England finally but this incident is not the first.

Is it or is it not a unique incidence? It is quite normal in Korea. It is actually called Omo Ja Sang Jui which literally means Looks or Looks Are Supreme. Basically in India, you have to give only the resume but in Korea the candidate with the resume. Looks matter a lot and so there is one or two Not in companies, a survey was done in which 900 businesses of Korea were surveyed, by the way, there are government offices in it, out of those 900, applicants needed to submit photos in 60 businesses and later on, the candidates were selected.

Also used to depend on actual looks only, that is why you will see in Koreans that they discriminate even Western foreigners regarding their beauty channels and not just on looks and color, their language and Region-specific discrimination also happens but you always feel different you it’s not your feeling a foreigner I don’t know if you know what I mean by you you don’t 100% you don’t fit in now it’s not like that their government has done this to stop discrimination Haven’t made any attempt in the past but the problem is that whenever they try to do so they face danger.

Actually, even in 2016, an MP tried to bring such a law as the Anti-Discrimination Bill. In fact, this bill had already been passed in their Legislative Committee at that time, but the government had to reject it in the end because many big business trade groups and the Korea Employees Federation strongly opposed this bill, after which the government had to pass this bill in the final. I had to reject it.

After all, the party funds have to come from these companies only. And see, it cannot be said that it is the government’s complete fault in this because of this concept of lookism.

That Kohin has deeply penetrated into society, their mindset has become such that you should think about this, think about what the children there would get as a graduation gift, plastic surgery, yes and I am not saying this out of thin air, their government. The website of Medical Tourism proudly says this and in general too, if you watch, there are many such videos where Koreans themselves accept that there is a lot of bad luck in their country. Looksism Is More Common Koreans Madly Care About Their Appearance This Is Why Koreans Take Plastic Surgery A Lot And Now Where Looks

If there is so much demand, then the sellers are not going to hide for a while, that is why you will see it there, on the metro station, on the bus, on the roof of the building, everywhere you will see ads only and only for plastic surgery. We were talking about this general hate and racism but specifically for Indians. Their hate is next level, now why is this so, there are two reasons behind this, as I said, Koreans are very educated, and their literacy rate is 19.8, But what is the use, do you know how much the unemployment rate of their youth, in which actually their own mindset plays a big role, that is, you see whether in India, in the US or in Europe, people are employed in small jobs.

But this is not the case in Korea so currently there is a very heavy shortage of workers in the industrial and farming sectors, that is, if you imagine, the situation there is so bad that the Korean government has to import blue-collar workers from outside simply because they are educated. Don’t do such small jobs

Now look, we have understood this background, till now you must be thinking that Indians study there. They mostly go there for writing and IT jobs, but this is only one side of the story. Actually, there are many Indians who do small jobs there, like our Indians are also seafarers on Korean ships. In fact now. For this ongoing labor shortage, the Korean government itself has signed a pact with India so that there is no shortage of workers in many sectors like agriculture, manufacturing, construction, waste disposal, and meat transportation.

Yes, now, racism against India is very high here because the mentality of Koreans is that Indians do small jobs here, apart from this, racism is very common here in other regions, but their skin color is different from white skin color. Fetish is very common but we Indians have color tush, which is why it also becomes a very important area that there is so much racism among Indians. The conflict happens there and it is not I but the Koreans themselves who have said this. In fact, the Korea Institute for International Economic Policy has conducted an interesting survey across Korea.

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A survey was conducted in which many Koreans openly accepted that we consider Indians to be unsafe, underdeveloped, and old-fashioned. Actually, look at the root problem, It can be said that the major mistake is the information gap. Actually, we Koreans know something about Indians. No, see, today only 12000 Indians live in Korea and only about 1 lakh people go there as tourists every year, so in such a situation, they know very little about Indian culture from other people and the matter is the Indian Government.

That our country and Official diplomatic ties in Korea were also established relatively late, around 1973, that is, about 30 years after independence. In fact, before this, their Prime Minister considered our country as an enemy country. It seemed that we were a country supporting a communist idol ji because we were similar to Russia and South Korea was similar to the US which was a capital country, so I am just trying to give you the perspective of both sides and this By making the video I don’t at all mean to say that Koreans should start hitting on us right now and their culture.

I am not at all saying that K-pop dramas should be boycotted, in fact, our culture is that of Atithi Dev Bhava, I am just saying that it is high time that we Indians understand that yes, other countries too. It is absolutely good to respect, follow their culture, and pick up good aspects from them, but while respecting each other country, we should not lose our respect. I actually like a lot of them. Found random videos where people were sharing their personal opinions.

When I started watching more, I realized that yes actually a lot of South Koreans hate Indians, they have a lot of racism against them, so I just wanted to give you an alternative perspective that no doubt, if you want to watch K drama, you should definitely watch it, but remember that this should not be At the Cost of Your Self-Respect Our Self-Respect And again this is my opinion to each its own. What is your opinion on this matter, do you think we should start boycotting pop or drama based on this issue or do you think we should not do so? According to Wikipedia

Q1: Are Indians still being treated bad in Korea?

Ans: Yes, now, racism against India is very high here because the mentality of Koreans is that Indians do small jobs here, apart from this, racism is very common here in other regions, but their skin color is different from white skin color. Fetish is very common but we Indians have color tush, which is why it also becomes a very important area that there is so much racism among Indians. The conflict happens there and it is not I but the Koreans themselves who have said this. In fact, the Korea Institute for International Economic Policy has conducted an interesting survey across Korea.

Q2: Why Indians are not Allowed in Korean bars and nightclubs?

Ans: Being turned away from a nightclub because of your clothes or because you’ve had too much to drink is nothing new but in South Korea, you might also be refused entry because of where you come from or even the color of your skin. This is what some ex-pats have been sharing on TikTok in videos that they say reveal discrimination. We spoke to five other foreigners in South Korea who said they’ve had similar experiences. Kirsten Keels is a black American student living in Seoul. She told us that this discrimination is even worse for people of color.

‘She went to a pretty popular club in Gangnam two years ago. The bouncer looked at my friend and said, ‘Oh, there’s like people in your group that can’t come in.’ And the bouncer leaned forward and met eyes with me. He looked me up and down. He said, ‘Dress code.’ It’s pretty common to say, ‘Oh, there are too many foreigners’ or ‘You can’t come in,’ but then seeing white individuals in the club being let in or let out – no, no, no, you better not let her in, there’s no way.’
There are also clubs where you present your passport to check your drinking age and things like that. And if they see, say, you’re from a North African country like Morocco, they won’t let you in.’ Kirsten told us that the places that might turn you away for your nationality are still in the minority, but because of Korea’s tough defamation laws, it’s difficult to speak out against them.

Instead, she decided to create a list of places where foreigners can go without being discriminated against. ‘A lot of times it’s on black and brown foreigners to have the sixth sense to know that they’re going to be discriminated against again if they’re playing black music and they’re racist. We created this list just to make it a bit easier for everyone involved and also because we’re tired of seeing our communities and multiple other communities harmed and just recognizing that like we’re here, we’re not going anywhere, our culture is valued here, we are valued here, and discrimination and racism are not okay.’ No law prohibits discrimination in South Korea, whether it comes to nationality, ethnicity, gender, or sexual orientation.

Q3: Why do Indians visit South Korea if South Koreans don’t like them?

Ans: 1. Everyone from India is proficient in maths and IT.
2. Yoga is practiced daily and is known to all Indians. (I was once asked if Indians took daily baths in the Holy Ganges.)
3. Indians consume naan and curry every day.
4. The English spoken by Indians is excellent.

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