How to SAVE your TEENS from Voilence?

Don’t chase clout too much. Don’t try to be seen in cool places that you can’t actually afford to be in.

How to SAVE your TEENS from Voilence?
How to SAVE your TEENS from Voilence?

Introduction – How to SAVE your TEENS from Voilence?

What would each of you tell your 17-year-old self? What would I, stop wasting your time? So I was 17. I was working at a fast restaurant that makes sandwiches. Although the internet didn’t actually exist at the time, it was nevertheless a part of my trip, and I have no regrets about it because I ended up where I am. So, would I even go back and tell myself anything is the question?

If I had to, it would be to not burn so much of my time. Let’s talk to the 17-year-olds who are listening. You know, do you finish your job, come home, play video games, etc.? That’s what I used to do when I was 17. A little bit. What I didn’t do was come home and think, ‘Okay, let’s work on something new.

1. Advice for young men.

I tell myself to be a little bit more proactive with my free time and not around so much. If you had a teenage son, what would be the one piece of advice you’d give him to break through the Matrix and achieve success in life? I think if you’re a young man, even if you’re not my child, if you’re just any man who’s out there in the world today, you need to look at some problems that need solving, either for yourself or for society, and find a way to fix them.

And I think that you should just adopt some problems and try and fix them, no matter what it is. You can just try and fix the litter in your area or you can try and get a six-pack or whatever you want. Men are builders. The modern world, call me misogynistic, but the modern world was built by men. Every building you’re in was built by a man. Every road you drive on was built by men. We’re builders. We build things, and that’s what you should be focused on.”

“If you’ve got any advice for 21-year-olds who, I guess, seem pretty lost and they don’t really know which direction to go in, what would you offer to those guys in terms of advice? Oh.”

2. Advice for women.

I’ve got loads of pieces of advice, loads. If you don’t know what to do, don’t go to a university. That’s the first thing. If you know what you want to do and you need a university degree to do it, then obviously pursue that. If you don’t know what you want to do, your own university is going to burn three or four years of your time and likely get you into a bunch of debt and a bunch of trouble that you don’t need. Two, don’t waste time on frivolous pursuits.

Stop trying to live like the man unless you’ve actually become the man first. And that means women stop trying to get laid all the time and get beautiful women because if you are a nobody, the time and effort it’s going to take to convince a really beautiful woman to go to bed with you is much less time than it would take if you were a somebody already. So you’re burning your hours. Yeah, don’t chase women too much. Don’t chase having fun too much. Don’t chase clout too much. Don’t try to be seen in cool places that you can’t actually afford to be in.

You know, Dubai is actually a very interesting example of this. I’m going to go off on a bit of attention here, but that’s all good advice, simply. Dubai is a very good example of this because Dubai is a place where people can look like they’re doing something big when they’re doing absolutely nothing at all. There are hotels in Dubai, like the hotels I stay at, that are one, two, three grand a day, 10 grand a day. They do exist. And there are also hotels in Dubai up near the old town where the laborers and the workers stay that cost 35, 40, 50 a day.

That does happen. You fly to Dubai, and people do this, man. They do this with no money. They come to Dubai with their friends. They have no money in their pockets. They have a nice shirt that they’ll wear, fine, and they’ll take a taxi from their really cheap hotel down to downtown, picture in front of the Burj Khalifa, click a photograph facing a Lamborghini. Press. Now.

There is a man in Dubai who has a photo in front of a Lamborghini. There are men who currently reside in Dubai. He’s at the Burj Khalifa. He makes less than a thousand dollars a month, probably. You know, people do this. They literally cloud chase based on location, and that is the biggest waste of time that I’ve ever heard of. You know, go on a vacation within your budget and have fun with your friends, by all means, and take your mind off trying to be somebody.

But yeah, people pretend too difficult today, and the work required to pretend that you will appear wealthier, cooler, or more accomplished than you actually are. But if you take all the time that you spend pretending and actually invest it into trying to become what you’re pretending to be, you’ll get there, and it will take, again, three, four, five years. I use this analogy a lot, maybe.”

3. Escape the Matrix.

I overuse it, but you need to find a way to some degree to escape the Matrix. And I say the Matrix because the Matrix, the way it is designed, you’re not just talking because you’ve actually done that. I’ve escaped The Matrix, yeah. I’ve literally escaped The Matrix in nearly every form, so any form of oppression no longer applies to me. I’m on council. I can’t be canceled. No, I can say what I want. My finances are secure. I’ve escaped The Matrix. And when I talk about the Matrix, it primarily applies to men because men are the backbone of the slave force.

We always have been and always will be. And unfortunately, now, if you’re a law-abiding man inside the graph, the life that is planned for you and your future are nothing but gloomy; you have to go to school, accumulate debt, and get in debt. You’re going to get a job. You’re going to get a wife. Divorce is coming. You’re going to lose the house. Eventually, you drop. Inflation’s outpacing your wages. You’re going to work, work, work. No one’s going to appreciate it. Now you’re old, and your life’s over. That is the Matrix for 99% of men, and you need to find a way to escape it. And I guess I was kind of fortunate from a young age.

I always knew that the Matrix was coming and that the system is designed to oppress. The people who make the rules do not make the rules for the benefit of us. They make the rules for the benefit of the people who make the rules. And I knew that, and I think every person intrinsically knows that. Like, if it’s four in the morning, and you’re sitting in a gas station, and a Lambo pulls up, you’re probably thinking drug dealer or criminal. You’re not thinking, ‘Oh, he definitely went to school.'”

4. Learn the hard way.

The system is absolutely broken. It’s designed to oppress and that the majority of people who stick to the rules are going to lose. This is the knowledge that you’re only going to learn the hard way. And even after I tell you, you’re still not going to implement it because you don’t learn anything unless it’s learned the hard way. But at least if I tell you in advance, when it happens, you can be like, ‘Oh yeah, I should listen.’ So I’ll take a few of them I found here.

Young kings, how good are you on your worst day? Are you good enough on your worst day to beat your opponent on their best day? This is the key to unlimited success. This was said to me by my kickboxing coach. He said we have to train like you’re going to fight on your worst day. You might have a cold. I’m covered. My broke up with a karma broke down. Bad night’s sleep. Who knows? And he might have everything going right. It could be a perfect day for him. It’s been the best week of his life. If you get knocked out, and people want to start talking about, ‘Oh yeah, but, you know, it was his worst day,’ and other guys are they’re just going to say you’d be lost. Never excuses. You don’t train that way.

So people also often talk about their personal basketball. The best I can do. If the best you can lift is 200 kilos on like a one-off, sometimes go so you can Mr. McQueen. You can lift 150 kilos every single while on your worst day. That’s where your real performance level is. Your worst day. Keep that in mind, young kings. Too many of you value money as if money will save you from yourself. Every single one of you reading this should be focusing entirely on changing who you are as a man. You are where you belong, and no amount of money can make you someone else.”

“I think I’ve told this story before. I’ve told them a few podcasts. Anybody who watched my podcasts will know I’ve said this loads of times. Money is an amplifier. You don’t watch this channel because I’m rich. You watch this channel because not only am I rich and I made all myself, which is unique, but I’m the big G. I was the big G before I was rich. Now the money amplifies, right? I was a street dog, man.

Now I want much money. My teeth are bigger. If I never had any teeth, money ain’t going to change anything. I use this knowledge all the time. You see a Lambo pull up, and a dork gets out. You’re going to think he’s some super crypto tech dork. He becomes a massive mega dork. You see a Lambo pull up, and a big G gets out, and I was a small boss. The car amplifies who the person is. It doesn’t change who the person is. The car is not going to make the geeky up boss. It’s going to amplify who he already was. Money’s an amplifier. So a lot of you people are out here chasing money. You need to strongly look at who you are as a character.”

5. Why do I fight?

Why do I believe I fight? Do I love training now? Do I appreciate losing weight? Do I feel nervous? I think to myself, ‘What am I doing?’ Yes, completely. Unfortunately, it’s one of those things you’re either born with or you’re not. And the only way I can explain it to try and make it make any sense is that if I’m not doing something which is either extremely difficult or extremely stressful, I’m in a perpetual state of crippling boredom. It defies explanation. I notice other folks live their lives, and they’re like, ‘Oh, I can’t wait for the weekend because I want to watch this movie.’

Who cares about a movie? You’re looking forward to the weekend to see a film. Eager for the weekend to get wasted because these things are so unimportant to me. And if I don’t fight, if I’m not in a situation where I’m stressed or worried or concerned, I’m perpetually bored, and boredom’s crippling. If you’re an intelligent person and you’ve got a good brain on your shoulders, you can’t just sit there bored. You know, so most smart people take the academic route to avoid boredom. They learn too, but that’s never really interesting to me.

Although I’ve always been a sharp individual, although I’ve always excelled academically, I’ve never been interested in it until I see others base jump, climb Mount Everest, or leap off buildings. The guy who jumped from space, people think, ‘What’s he doing? He’s crazy.’ I understand some people can’t live a normal life. Some people cannot just function nine to five office jobs, get drunk at the weekend, which is not for some individuals and it’s not for me.

So I have to find something that keeps me physically tired enough to stop me going AWOL, and mentally tired enough, and I’ve chosen to fight because without this, when I’m not in training, I wake up every day and think, ‘It’s 9 A.M., therefore we’re going to play today. M on a Tuesday, I’m bored. It’s just a random lifestyle because I’m constantly looking for never-ending entertainment, and it doesn’t exist.

I think the only thing that could stop me from fighting is if I had enough money to amuse myself all the time. Unless I become a billionaire, I need to be engaged and focused on something. The fighting, I have to train twice a day, and I have to train hard. The stress it brings in every aspect can replace the fun, and my mind is occupied. It occupies me, and I could never stop doing this, even if I lost 100 fights, because I’m not built to live a normal existence. I can’t do it.

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