How can I stop Scrolling Instagram reels/ Shorts Video/Moj? Is it an Addiction?

Watching Sofia Ansari, watching ah! uh! and going crazy. STOP WATCHING Shorts Video/Reels/Moj Right Now. This is super addictive they trigger your dopamine. And you may watch for six to seven hours.

How can I stop Scrolling Instagram reels/ Shorts Video/Moj? Is it an addiction?
How can I stop Scrolling Instagram reels/ Shorts Video/Moj? Is it an addiction?

Introduction – How can I stop Scrolling Instagram reels

“Sofia Ansari” with 9.6 million followers on Instagram because the short video “Shashi Poonam” has 2.5 million views, they don’t do anything ‘Neha’ has 4.5 million views There are males with millions of views as well, such as Eric, Taylor, and James, whose brief videos And they are totally inert, doing nothing. As a result, short videos are growing in popularity. And because of how many people follow them, young people and children believe Why should we put in long hours of study and labor every day?

How Short videos/ Reels are Dangerous?

Earning money and becoming popular is quite easy. The short video platform is not just dangerous for this It has many more negative effects on your personality. Businesses want to time-block it eventually, similar to what they did with Player Unknown’s Battlegrounds. First of all, notice how it impacts your attention span—a crucial quality. Attention span refers to how focusing on something affects and restricts your ability to For the simple reason that you continue to watch a video even if it lasts only one minute. You’ve spent thirty minutes, an hour, one hour, or even three to four hours.

Short Videos / Reels Addiction

So your attention span has decreased, meaning if you try to understand something complex, you won’t be able to Because your attention will immediately divert, your focus will immediately divert Yes, short videos give you immediate gratification, and immediate satisfaction. Complex things take time to understand, and your patience for it is gone. Your conditioning is that you won’t get that satisfaction in a minute, and you’ll quit immediately Yes, you see, normally, you fail in conversation when you’re addicted to watching short videos.

So in normal relationships, if you watch a conversation, you’ll immediately get frustrated You’re reading deeply but you won’t understand, if you’re watching a long video, you won’t be able to observe it Your attention and patience are gone, and you’ll react angrily to any buffering or poor internet. As a result, you’ll become agitated quickly. The main issue is that there is no instructional value to these sites for short videos. You cannot receive a decent education in one minute—just a few words, two or three words, that’s it.

You want more, you want more, you want more, you keep eating, and you end up eating 10 kilograms of chips, but you still won’t be satisfied. It works the same way with short videos; they are super addictive; they trigger your dopamine. And you may watch for six to seven hours instead of only three, and after that, you’ll realize, “Oh! How did I get here?” You understand that this is not a direct example, but there was a firm named LA during the initial cigarette introduction.

When the cigarette was launched, it wasn’t revealed that it’s addictive, it causes harm, it was just launched. Later, it was found that it was very harmful. Then restrictions were placed on cigarettes; they were banned in many countries. You know even children were smoking the first cigarette, and the video was becoming popular, going viral.

And people smoke cigarettes for style; they know the harm, yet they smoke because it’s super addictive. Similarly, these reels are addictive; with time, more details will come out where it will be known that they are addictive. And these apps might apply time blocking on you like PUBG and so on. And it is so addictive that there have been fights and riots in many places because of it.

Many such incidents have occurred, where a woman attacked her husband for stopping her from making reels. Many children have attacked their fathers and parents. They have become so addicted. Imagine how deadly and aggressive a person may become if they were only prevented from creating videos. It’s a simple thing, explain it.

But no, if you tell a child not to wear a shirt, he won’t wear it. But if a woman is stopped from making a video, she attacks her husband. So this is not a normal thing; it has entered your addiction. It’s a behavior, similar to advising someone not to use drugs. it’s a kind of behavior. I’m not comparing it to drug use.

How Short videos market is Growing?

These short videos only revolve around 2 things –

  • Humor – laughter
  • The shock value- what happened

Twist Or sensationalism, “Brother is crying, Mother is crying, my mother made me cry, my father made me cry, my brother made me cry” You see this video for this reason, and you just enjoy it in that moment.

Oh, those who have a habit of watching a 1-minute video His conditioning is done, his attention span is over, his patience is over 1-minute video nonsense is being watched, will he fact-check anything? And why should the one who is telling, check the facts because the facts will not be told in the video in this way, misinformation and disinformation spread.

This is super addictive Yes, you know this triggers your dopamine, and you get immediate satisfaction. And you keep watching the video, keep watching, endlessly watch. Its algorithm is designed in a way that never ends. Let me give you an example of chips; even in chips, your dopamine gets triggered. You’re given a packet of chips, you eat one chip, and you can’t stop.

How Short videos / Reels don’t provide any Knowledge/education?

It doesn’t provide any education. Suppose I would like to review a mobile device. So I will mention the specifications, good things, bad things, and how can I cover everything in a minute. So I can only tell you a limited thing, can’t provide education. If education is brought in, then half of the information will be lost, it won’t be enjoyable, you won’t watch it, it won’t work.

So the influencer who is going to provide you actual knowledge doesn’t verify any facts. It makes you laugh immediately, makes you cry, makes you emotional, and makes a video of that matter. So in this case, if you want education, you will have to watch long videos. The educational value of short videos is almost zero, neither the tutor will be saved nor the learner will be saved.

If someone, an influencer, or a person wants to give you knowledge but can’t do it in a minute, and you’re not watching more than a minute because a short video addiction has caused your dopamine to trigger, your focus, and your attention span is gone. So, you’re not watching long videos; your patience is gone.

Your conditioning has happened. So, why should someone who wants to give knowledge, give it? Because you don’t want to take knowledge. So, they will also give their opinion without checking and both will be happy. But the impact of this slowly affects your growth, your career, your focus, and your productivity, and it directly affects the growth of a country after being calculated.

How Reels / Short Videos Misguide Us?

The most dangerous thing is Misinformation or Disinformation. Due to the short duration of the video, misinformation spreads a lot. See if you have to explain something in 1 minute, have to tell something, have to give information So complex things cannot be done in 1 minute, the matter cannot be told.

So the one who is telling will find a short way, either he will give an opinion or he will oversimplify the matter Or he will tell half the things or he will shock, so whatever is told Incomplete information is very dangerous, it is better not to have more information. So in this way, the one who is telling you will give you half the information which becomes misinformation.

In addition to this, it also takes the form of disinformation because you have seen many short videos going viral Because of which the clip is cut, and posted, and in this way, people are misunderstanding it as if For Example, A girl had beaten a Zomato boy. Subsequently, it was discovered that the issue was not what it seemed or that someone had been incarcerated due to the cutting and posting of a little video.

When the whole clip is known, it is something else. In thousands of cases where a clip is placed in a small way, a small thing is told In this way, it takes the form of misinformation and disinformation. And it also incites violence in the country because after watching a 1-minute video People will not want to check it.

How YouTube content is productive?

Before, on YouTube, videos were made where proper fact-checking was done, proper research was carried out, and then those videos were presented to you, where you received a good education, which increased your productivity, knowledge, and the country’s growth and your personal growth. I’m a fan of Dhruv Rathee, I refer to his last video, where his team conducted in-depth research for 5-6 days, 7 days, which is why his video received 9.6 million views.

And here, we have Sofia Ansari, Madam. She didn’t do anything, just a 1-minute video, but she got 13.6 million views. And there are 50-60 million views, and they aren’t doing anything constructive in videos; they are dancing in their videos. You might argue that they have terrific dancing now.

Prabhu Deva is great at dancing; he has followers like his spittle. And while a lot of these choreographers are skilled dancers, they lack a fan base. However, why do they have millions of followers here? Because, ah! oh! They are getting followers, they are earning money. So, the youth who want to make in-depth videos, or those who want to provide good knowledge, are not being seen.

Why do Youths want to become influencers?

The youth think that we will study for 14-14 hours, and we will become that, we will become that. Then they don’t get a job, so they think this is better. let’s do ah, Sami, Sami, and get millions of followers, and millions of money. And not do anything, less effort, no need for talent So, why would they study for 14–14 hours? Why would they be motivated? You see, every household has men and women making videos.

Everyone is making videos, why? Because there is nothing else to do. Those who watch they think, We can do this too, we can lip-sync, do a little dance, show our bodies. so, in this way, the content is pretty much in shambles. Similar to how no one wants to produce content, no one wants to consume it either.

How Reels / Short Videos are Dangerous for Small Children?

Now children don’t want to study, they don’t want to do anything; they just want to become popular. The short video has penetrated people’s nerves to this extent, and it will show negative effects over time, which you may have seen in some households. If something like this is happening with short videos in your home, especially in the hands of children, snatch it away.

Because children may not have the potential to understand themselves. There is a term where children cannot control it; adults can control it. So first, if children under 13 years old are watching short videos in your home, first, snatch their phones, you’re causing yourself harm. Don’t do the same to them.

How to get out of Reels Addiction?

And when you say, “I’ve become a habit, I’ve become addicted, I spend 6-6 hours, 7-7 hours on this, what should I do?” So, you can do 2-3 things in this.

  • Block the time- “I’ll watch half an hour or I’ll watch an hour,” but after watching it, you’ll have to do a deep reading or watch a long video.
  • You’ll have to meditate or focus on one task without multitasking- You can accomplish this since doing so will keep the equilibrium.

This reduces the likelihood of addiction. And you spend the whole day watching, right? You watch 6-6 hours, 7-7 hours Watching Sofia Ansari, watching ah! uh! and going crazy. Look, you are dear to me. From the bottom of my heart, I want to give you some advice…

Conclusion – How can I stop Scrolling Instagram reels

I’m saying that the nature of short videos is somewhere like this, it’s a kind of addiction, it’s a kind of habit that is affecting children’s focus over time. And the most terrible thing that I felt is that here Sofia Ansari, Shashi Poonam, Neha, Eric, Taylor, and so on and so on Thousands of talentless videos are being made, and there’s nothing constructive in them.

This is super addictive Yes, you know this triggers your dopamine, and you get immediate satisfaction. And you keep watching the video, keep watching, endlessly watch. Its algorithm is designed in a way that never ends.

FAQ’s – How can I stop Scrolling Instagram reels

Q1:What are the side effects of scrolling reels?

Ans: Excessive screen time can have negative effects on mental health, shorten attention spans, and encourage sedentary lifestyles, as we know all of which can result in a number of health problems.

Q2: How do I stop myself from scrolling reels?

Ans: To establish a better balance, you have to set time restrictions, utilize app timers and also take part in other activities, or ask friends or experts for assistance.

Q3: What is the psychology behind reels?

Ans: viewing these videos for long periods of time, becoming irritated or restless while not watching and also putting off other obligations or activities, and finding it difficult to stop even when you want to do.

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