Cement SCAM that KILLS Mumbaikers after 40 Years | CEMENT SCAM

Due to a shortage of Cement in the late 1970s, the state government limited the amount of cement that could be sold. Cement SCAM that KILLS Mumbaikers after 40 Years | CEMENT SCAM

Cement SCAM that KILLS Mumbaikers after 40 Years | CEMENT SCAM
Cement SCAM that KILLS Mumbaikers after 40 Years | CEMENT SCAM

Don’t bribe me, give a donation instead. Perhaps such scenes would have been seen in Maharashtra in 1970, when there was a cement shortage city in the entire state, that is, the amount of cement that was in demand was not being supplied and due to this, builders were building their housing units. They were very worried about the projects that if the cement was not available at the right time, the projects would get delayed and the construction would be stopped, but like many big scams, when a scam becomes public, many big names come forward. The name of the sitting Chief Minister of Maharashtra also came up in this scam.

But mostly when such scams happen, the matter ends after them, people forget about it, people’s resignations are seen, political changes are seen, and sometimes actions are also seen, but this was such a scam that even today The people of Maharashtra are suffering the consequences of this scam with their lives and now Even today, people even lose their lives due to things happening due to this cam, so know the whole story of cement scam in this video. After many years after the independence of India, Maharashtra state was formed in Bombay in 1960.

Gujarat and Maharashtra in the Presidency used to be regions in a continuous lease but after a lot of struggle, finally, Maharashtra became a state on the 1st of 1960 and at that time Maharashtra immediately joined the race where in the race to become progressive, Mumbai and Maharashtra also joined other states. Now it is worth remembering that this was the time when Mumbai and Maharashtra were not so far ahead in the financial race. West Bengal, Tamil Nadu, all these states are also quite ahead. In fact, Mumbai was ahead in many things but in this race Maharashtra

Also started promoting industries on their own. This was the era of license raj and because of this, big people Industries used to look for the best political climate to set up their industries seeing Maharashtra as favorable at that time, many big companies started making Maharashtra their home and due to this, a growing period came in Maharashtra where both industrial and residential. There was a need to develop infrastructure for this market, especially as Mumbai was rapidly filling up with migrants and many people were looking for a place to live inside the city.

Due to this vertical growth was also seen, where the concept of tolls and apartment buildings started gaining momentum and individual independent housing gradually started ending, due to this the need for cement is very high. It was high but only after 10 years of its formation, the shortage of cement started very seriously in Maharashtra, starved of development, although construction. Due to advancements, we do get the opportunity of many other materials for construction today but for decades or in fact centuries.

Cement has been such a thing which is a very basic ingredient and its importance was quite important for Maharashtra in 1970 because there was not enough supply, the Maharashtra state or the country was not producing that much cement, so a solution was found for it. For this, the state government took a decision that it would not stop the sale of cement. Now this sounds very strange to hear, but here some logic behind this decision was given in the manner that due to the scarcity of cement, cement is being black-marketed and the supplies are being controlled.

Due to this the prices are being highly manipulated which is stopping the infrastructure development and the government will start rationing the cement i.e. every developer will get as much as he needs. They will start selling cement and it will be done only by authorized people hence on 12 September 1978, a government order was issued directing that the distribution of cement will be controlled by the State Government and only through the authorized dealers of the government. Cement will be supplied in the entire state only through this but in Maharashtra

The then Chief Minister Shri Abdul Rahman Antulay had a different plan where during this time AR Atul established a trust. Registered, whose name was Indira Gandhi Pratibha Pratishthan, which was basically formed to support artists and designs and this was its intention, but the thing to note was that it was a trust and institution created for artists. It becomes dear to many big builders or famous builders form a huge group who make financial donations to this trust and it is seen that the

Builders are donating within this trust, they are being given more cement than the cement quota fixed for them and the permits for their quantities are being increased. Now it was clear that something was going wrong here because where many builders in the entire state were putting their work on halt due to Cement Sketch City, whereas the builders who had given donations to the Trust were able to do their work without any hassles only after seeing this situation. Goregaon socialist leader PB Sambandh and BJP corporator Ramdas Nayak filed a complaint against former Chief Minister AR Antulay in Bombay.

A case was filed in the High Court where Justice Bhaktavar Lentin of the High Court revealed that there was a huge nexus between the Chief Minister of Maharashtra and the builders based on which donations were given to his trust and cement was allotted to the builders. And Antulay was found guilty of quid pro quo. This proved his guilt. Later, on January 12, 1982, he resigned from his post as CM. Now many years later, AR Antulay got a clean chit in this case from the Supreme Court, but here this scam mostly ends.

But now let’s talk about those side effects that still trouble the people of Maharashtra because during this scam, there was a huge imbalance of material like cement in many places in the state and many builders were not buying cement. Due to this, they were facing problems whereas the builders who were donating here had accumulated so much stock of cement that they could do their projects but there were many other competitors or the overall market within it.

They could control the supply of cement because they had excess cement lying with them and That is why many builders, especially those who were small, used other materials or mixed cement instead of using cement. Material or poor quality cement was used due to which poor quality cement was used inside many big infra projects and small buildings within the state in the 1970s and 1980s and the result is that Today in Mumbai, only 35 to 40-year-old buildings are seen collapsing during monsoon. This problem mostly occurs in buildings of 70’s and 80’s and this is properly proven in a city like Mumbai since 1910.

There are buildings built within 1920, some of them are made of wood and some of the buildings are made of cement stone and some of the buildings are traditional, despite this, these buildings are standing very strongly today like Marine Drive if you look too much If you go to the old area where there was development since 1920, you will still see very strong buildings, but the buildings built in 1970 and 80 will collapse during monsoon. Collapse occurs, and people lose their lives inside it and this thing was seen in the entire metropolitan region of Mumbai.

Most of the buildings that are given the tag of fraudulent buildings after the audit of a building are generally the buildings built in these decades and that is why the buildings built in the 1970s and 80s in this state do not last long. Due to CAM, KR Antulay tenders his resignation in the year 1982 but The interesting thing is that after 10 years of his resignation, Maharashtra gets five different Chief Ministers and despite being tainted with scams, they continue to work for various departments of different CMs. same time

They get a chance to work in the position of Union Minister in the future. However, AR Antulay passed away in the year 2014 and today the names of the big developers in Mumbai are linked to these scams. Added to this are all the top 20 developers that you can think of who have created landmark projects in Mumbai today and you are wise enough to think about them and feel free to list them all on your projects in this decade. They were working but the landmarks they developed were based on scams and you can see for yourself who they were.

Although today there is no cement sector in the country and we are cement producers on a large scale, then This is also a part of the many losses that have occurred historically in the country due to scams. What do you think about it? Do tell me in the comment section

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