What Orry, Rakee Sawant, and Urfi do for Earning? | How PAID Paparazzis are Making People Celebrities Overnight?

Orry sudden rise in popularity, Celebrities pay up to 50,000 for a single photo. How Orry is making headlines in the newspaper? How much money can common people make in the paparazzi industry?

What Orry, Rakee Sawant, and Urfi do for Earning? | How PAID Paparazzis are Making People Celebrities Overnight?
What Orry, Rakee Sawant, and Urfi do for Earning? | How PAID Paparazzis are Making People Celebrities Overnight?

When was their last movie or song released? I don’t know. Neither do I. But open your Instagram right now, and you will see thousands of videos of them on your feed. How? Because of India’s fake paparazzi culture.

Everybody knew, even everybody who’s made it also, will always start. Have you ever called Pabsa? I feel like initially, everyone calls her because Pabsa is very important. That means 3-4 months ago, not a single person had even heard of Orry’s name. But today? Orry? Who doesn’t know who Orry is? Today, he’s making headlines in the newspaper.

The same happened with Urfi as well. Out of nowhere, sudden rise in popularity. How? Well, to put it simply, their pictures are on your phone. And they bring it on their phone because a lot of celebrities pay up to 50,000 to click on each of their pictures. Yes, this paparazzi has become a full-fledged industry today.

You must know all these famous Instagram pages. Viral Bhayani, Manav Manglani, Virendra Chowal. All of them used to be the paps who used to earn 500,000 rupees at a time. And today, they’ve created an empire of millions. So, how does this fake paparazzi culture work? Do they give money to any paps? And how can they become heroes in the media? Let’s find out.

In 2013, this infamous kiss between Raki Sawant and Mika Singh. In 2016, Raki Sawant said on the suicide of an actress, that it’s not necessary to say Jai to Bharat Mata, as much as it is necessary to remove ceiling fans from every house. It’s not necessary to say Jai to Bharat Mata, as much as it is necessary to remove ceiling fans from every house.

To slap her boyfriend Abhishek Avastin in front of the entire media, to make himself a new Mayawati, and to try to get into politics. And marriage, I don’t want to go into details. But in 2019, marrying Ritesh, then in 2023, marrying Adil and accepted Islam, then divorced him and fought in front of everyone, accusing him of stealing.

Do you know Raki Sawant from his work other than his controversies? Do you know Raki Sawant from his work other than his controversies? Right present, Urfi Javed earns more money than any other Bollywood actor. This is what Viral Bhayani has to say.

According to Financial Express, in 2023, Urfi’s net worth was around 21 million dollars. 173 crore rupees. But does anyone recognize Urfi from the roles in her serials? They have the same view. Apart from wearing clothes made of weird things, recently there was a controversial video, in which a police officer arrested him for nudity.

But later it was found out that this was all staged, and completely fake, including the video that Papp was making. That was also fake. The thing is that the Mumbai Police then filed a case against him, to make a fake arrest video. But apart from this, there was another video that went viral recently, in which Urfi was fighting with a restaurant manager, because they were not letting him go to their restaurant, because of her clothes. This is not about the scene, this is about the clothes.

It was found out that this was also a fake video, a complete PR strategy to promote Zomato. So my point is, look if any celebrity wants to be relevant in the eyes of the public, or if they want to be viral instantly, they have to do something unique.

Like in Urfi Javed’s case, his weird dressing sense, Rakhi Sawant’s fights, Auri’s stupid dialogues, and the tactfully created mystery, of what is this guy doing. You go for a jog, you’re a jogger. You paint, you’re a painter. I’m living, I’m a liver. Until you’ve carved out a unique niche for yourself, it’s difficult to go viral instantly.

And of course, after doing all this, the second step is to be a photographer. Your videos, and photos, reach people’s phones so that they start recognizing you, start knowing you, and get excited to know more about you. But if you’re a newbie, or if you’re not that relevant in Bollywood right now, then you have only one option left.

Faking your paparazzi photos, which, as I said today, has become a huge industry. I mean, Viral Bhayani, Manav Manglani, Virendra Chawla, they all have accepted that at one point, they were just paps, whose daily income used to be 500-1000. But today, they’re running companies worth crores, and 15-20 of them are paps and to get celebrities to make their photos pap, they have to pay 10,000-50,000 for a single photo.

There’s zero knowledge about that. Because this is a very well-kept secret. Just like the knowledge of investment. But actually, times are changing right now.

I mean, fortunately, because India is now financially more aware, all of us Indians have only one common goal. How can we grow our wealth? Now, of course, your family and friends want your best, so they suggest multiple investment options. But do they understand your future needs? Do they understand the movement of the market?

how does the paparazzi industry earn money and how does it work? So, if you look at the word paparazzi, it was never a real-life person.

Rather, it was a 1960s film by La Dolce Vita, the character was Paparazzo, whose job was to take pictures of high-profile people, even if he had to lose his life for that. From there, he became a professional for such people, whose name was Paparazzi. Now, this culture started in the West in the 1990s, but according to many reports, it started in India in 2002, because of this person, Yogain Shah, who was the first paparazzi in India.

Actually, during that time, he used to work for the Bombay Times, when he was sent for an assignment, for the marriage of the famous film director, Subhash Ghai’s daughter. But when he reached there, Subhash Ghai refused to take pictures of her. Then, he clicked, that he didn’t need to go to the wedding, he could even stand at the entrance and take pictures of all the celebrities.

From here, this culture started in India as well. Then, you will remember this picture of Aishwarya and Abhishek’s car, which went viral all of a sudden. This picture was taken by Varendra Chawla, who has a 3.1 million followers Instagram page. But at that time, he was just a paparazzi, who used to take a camera in his bike and go for the photos of celebrities.

So, during that time, Aishwarya and Abhishek’s marriage was quite crazy, but no pics were being released in the media. That’s why, when Varendra released this pic, then, his demand was high. After that, there was a trend, a race started, that if there is a celebrity wedding or if there is a first look of an actor’s movie, then who will be the first to release it in the media? Because obviously, he will make the most money.

Then, as the money started increasing in this field, similarly, some paps also started to set up their companies. So, Varendra Chawla in one of her interviews, told Brute that today, he has about 15-20 paps, who roam the streets of Mumbai day and night to spot celebrities. In this industry, all the paps are often divided area-wise.

For example, there will be one team in Bandra, one team in Juhu, and of course, there is one team compulsory in the airport. The teams are divided area-wise. There is one team in Bandra, one team in Juhu, and one team in the airport. And these paps have to remember all the cars of the celebrities, their fave spots, their homes, and even their routine.

For example, when does Kareena go to the gym? She goes in the morning. Ranveer goes to the gym in the evening. When does Taimur go to school? He has to remember all this. In the morning, Kareena Kapoor goes to the gym. Ranveer Singh goes out in the evening. Taimur goes to school in the morning. So, at that time, we go there, we stop at that place and spot the pictures.

Then, by pulling all these pics, they have to immediately transfer their boss to a WhatsApp group. If this transfer does not happen immediately, and someone has released these pics in the media before them, then all their hard work, all the photos, will be of zero value. By pulling a picture, within 5-10 minutes, the client will be able to see, whether the picture is worth it or not.

After that, the picture is of no use. So, everyone has a mobile, has a data card, has a card reader. As soon as I pull a picture from Aurof Attack, I transfer it to my mobile and they either WhatsApp me or email me. Of course, from that WhatsApp group, Mr. Varender or whoever his boss is, he will forward pics to his clients, which are mostly media channels or newspaper agencies.

He has to use these on his platform and for the pics, he, of course, pays these paparazzi agencies. So, I check everything from here. From here, I follow my clients and my team. Now, the latest, the most intimate or controversial the picture will be, the more it will be worth. And because media channels have the most budget, that’s why, they also get the first preference.

Otherwise, the second option is to release these pics on social media. Who is giving us good money? So, according to them, channels get it first, basically, because they are the ones with more money. And yes, for the spotting of celebs, these paparazzi agencies can get location tips from anywhere. That’s why, most paparazzi agencies either give bribes to the drivers of celebs or the security guards of the buildings so that they can inform them about the activities of the celebs.

Also, unfortunately, in this industry, of course, there are no Sundays or Mondays. There are no festivals either. In fact, on that day, almost all the celebs, actors, cricketers, and politicians, spotting happens the most. So, on that day, they can’t take leave at all. Our work is 24×7. Don’t think that it’s a Sunday holiday or a Saturday holiday.

So, you can imagine how much stress and risk there is in this business. Viral Bhayani once told Time Surveyor India in an interview that when Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt were getting married, three paps of their team stayed on the field all day and were hospitalized because of the I mean, you can imagine how much you are chasing cars at high speed in the sun You are not getting any leave or rest.

Even in such a crowd, there is immense pressure on you to take out a perfect snap. In such a situation, of course, the chances of fatalities increase a lot. Armed with only cameras and motorbikes, India’s paparazzi are hunters. Once, Karan Johar’s car hit me on my leg. I still feel pain. And as I said, the more intimate, private, and controversial that photo is, the more it will cost.

But the risk of taking photos will also be high. These pictures a few years ago, you might remember. At that time, actor Pulkit Samrat had gone to a local court in his divorce case and got a tip from Santosh Nagvekar, who was a former paparazzi. As soon as he got the tip, he immediately reached there and left the court and went to the court and started taking pictures of Pulkit.

Pulkit didn’t like this at all and he raised his hand on Santosh. And this whole incident was captured by a fellow pap. So, yes, like every industry, it has two sides. It means that many paps are happy while doing this work. I like this work. I like it. It’s been 6 years now. Just like celebrities. It means that, unlike other celebrities who pay from the front and call the paparazzi, many celebrities don’t want their private life to be affected by the paparazzi.

Why are you taking photos? What are you doing? Why are you doing this? We just say yes. If they don’t want to, we just say yes. This is the reason why many celebrities and paps fought, and then paps boycotted them too. Can you afford to boycott them? Yes, we do. What happened during Disha’s time? She gave a photo in Juhu PBR and she came to Anil Kapoor’s house.

And then, paps made a lot of noise to us. I didn’t even turn back and see them. Everyone got angry and said, we have stopped so much. You are going in front of us. Even then, we feel that if you give us some respect, we will feel good that yes, you gave us a photo. But they said no. They got angry and said, we won’t kill you.

We don’t want it. So yeah, basically, as they say, love us or hate us, but you cannot ignore us. Everything at the end comes to just basic demand and supply. The demand of our viewers crossed the line at that time. Because it is the demand of our viewers. We demand every activity and every photo of these celebrities.

We want to hear their controversies. We want to see them before they become So, obviously, these paps will click on them. And see, ultimately, all this is just a PR strategy. And in today’s date, whether PR is positive or negative, PR is PR. I mean, you must have seen many celebrities giving stupid statements in front of the media, doing weird things, fighting. Well, all this is a well-crafted PR strategy.

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