How SOUTH KOREA is Controlling INDIANS through K-POP?

Korean fever has gone viral in India. The rise of Korean content in OTT platforms is so sharp that it is almost unbelievable. How SOUTH KOREA is Controlling INDIANS through K-POP?

How SOUTH KOREA is Controlling INDIANS through K-POP?
How SOUTH KOREA is Controlling INDIANS through K-POP?

Hani U India is suffering from K Fever Chhattisgarh Club of BTS Army Culture Bihar Aesthetic Pop Fan Club 2020 Jharkhand Many such fan clubs of today’s pop have spread in every street of India, just see this scene on the streets of India. This is not the decoration of any Indian festival or the birthday of a Bollywood star, but here the birthday of South Korean stars is being celebrated with such pomp and show. Currently, Korean fever has gone viral in India in such a way that We Indians have literally started walking talking, and eating Korean as a part of Duolingo.

According to the survey, the Korean language has become the fourth favorite language of Indians today and the demand for Korean classes among Indians has increased to 400. BTS Cafe Ranchi Nagomi Family Dining Gurugram Tow Bau Restaurant Ranchi Today, Korean restaurants and their cuisine are found on every street in India. In fact is on trend according to Aljazeera According to this, in 2021, the sales of Korean instant noodles Ramyun in India increased from 178 in just one year. Apart from this, the rise of Korean content in OTT platforms is so sharp that it is almost unbelievable.

And 300 plus music albums have been launched, whose number a few years ago was absolutely zero, but friends, now coming to the main issue, what if I tell you that this K fever of India is not at all natural. Fact: This strategy has been completely created by none other than the Korean Government. It sounds hard to digest right because usually all the other countries create strategies like infrastructure development for their economic development but here perhaps the South Korean Government.

The only democratic government in the world that has protected culture the South Korean government actually made its economic development tool a secret strategy for several decades. Due to this she wants to create psychological control or psychological dominance in the entire world, the name of this strategy is The Hello Strategy. If you want to learn the English language, then also you have to take a minimum coaching of Rs 5000 from Cha, but today South Under its Hallyu strategy, the Korean government is teaching the Korean language for free, especially to Indians. In fact, you can learn Korean directly in Hindi also, now you can learn Korean here.

Government Institute King Sejong Institute is responsible for teaching Korean to India today. They have also built multiple language training centers in India so far, including three centers in small cities like Patna, Imphal, and Barsat, and have achieved widespread penetration in India. Now this is unique because the British Government also teaches British English for example but in that basic language. It also charges Rs. 000 fees for training but Korea has kept these courses completely free for Indians and this one alone the major outcome of the strategy was that today the demand for Korean coaching in India has increased from 400 now of course.

Korean content also played a major role in this, which suddenly started going viral in India during the COVID-19 times, but this is also not a coincidence. Major was not behind making the content viral in India The second plan of Hallyu’s strategy was The Chang One’s Pop Festival, due to which they were able to get penetration in India very well and smoothly and we will understand it in detail but according to me, credit also goes to the Korean content Hallyu.

One of the reasons behind the strategy being so successful in India was that Korean movies brought a literal content revolution in India because the plots of their films were quite unlike many Bollywood films. It is unique and especially their dark suspense thriller movies have plot twists like I don’t think you will find in any other movie and that is why despite this, there is a major hurdle in the growth of the content of Dramas online today which is language but now that is also not any.

The formula is meeting, conflict, and then love. Will the heroine be able to save herself from falling in love or will she sacrifice herself for someone else’s revenge? Make her fall in love and Suji’s friend may fall in love. Who has the upper hand between love and friendship?

Well, you will get answers to all these questions only in one place. The second plan of the Hallu Strategy with the help of which the Korean government popularized the content in India. So since 2011, every summer and autumn the world turns. All Over K Pop Region The Chang Ban K Pop Festival Actually, the blueprint for this K Pop Festival was prepared by three ministries of South Korea in 2011 itself, in which most of their The main objective was that South Korea’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism and the Korean Broadcasting System jointly organize a Cape World Cup every year.

Will organize the festival and ensure worldwide participation in this festival, it was also decided that the first preliminary rounds will be organized with the help of Korean diplomatic missions and embassies present around the world, and then these initial round winners will be invited to meet at a ceremony in the Korean city Chang’an. of the biggest Will be invited to the Pop World Festival and as soon as this plan was made, its execution started and it has been happening till date. This festival has also been held in India since 2011 with the name of All India Pop Contest.

Every year in 11 cities in India, Korea organizes government In the same year 2023, an All India Pop Contest was organized in every corner of Ahmedabad, Lucknow, Bhubaneswar, Imphal, Bhopal, Patna, and Guntur Almost India, which at the same time India And also celebrated the 50th century of diplomatic relations of South Korea and in just this one event, 11000 youngsters from all over the country participated. Imagine the Craze. This contest takes place in a total of four stages.

The first is the initial level in which online participation has to be done, after that, The second level consists of the regional round which is organized in 11 cities of the country and then the participants are invited to the Korean Culture Center in Delhi for the final third and fourth rounds. Where in the third stage the winners are trained in dancing and singing by the Korean pop stars themselves and finally in the fourth stage the winners even get a chance to go to Korea. And now this in my opinion is a master strategy, meaning you just look at these fan pages.

There are announcements of the K Music Contest, there are posts in the free Korean language, and posts praising the winners of the K Pop Contest, meaning basically what I mean is that a community should be created which will spread the soft influence of complete Korean culture among the people and you know what. We all know that India is the youngest nation in the world and if this young population is influenced then both the culture and future of the country will also be influenced. And the Korean government understands this very well and that is why they have equally targeted India to influence these young minds.

Pop Music Culture Co End Now Let’s Jump to the Next Step of Hall U Strategy Which is Appoints Ministry South Korea is the only one in the world there will be such a country where a dedicated ministry named Popular Culture Industry Division will act to spread Korean culture. Recently, the Cultural Minister of Korea announced subsidies and tax benefits to Korean content companies and ordered them to Spread the culture abroad In fact, the Korean government annually promotes K-culture overseas.

Invests funds worth 5 billion dollars, that is, the Korean government is investing 4500 crores every year for cultural promotion. You know, we invest the same amount of money for a highway road project in India. Apart from this, the government also invests a separate fund of 1 billion dollars every year. This fund is given to the Korean Venture Investment Corporation which further Pumps in the Korean Entertainment Industry finally the last and the most important step is vertical integration of the Korean entertainment industry to make the process of content production and distribution more efficient.

Korea implemented the plan of vertical integration. This is a unique plan of the Korean government in which they strategically reorganized the structure of the Korean film and music industry. The government suggested that film companies combine all the processes of content making like filmmaking, production, and distribution, that is, all the work now done by different companies, should be combined by a single company, for example. Dharma Production in India from filmmaking to distribution she does everything herself, but this did not happen in Korea before 1990.

There, for every process, mostly There used to be different companies, but as soon as they took this step, the entire process started happening under one company and hence the execution became easy. Now friends, due to all these steps, Korean culture became popular but as I said in the beginning, this culture The main reason behind the Korean government implementing this strategy was economy building.

It superficially seems like a definite culture-spreading strategy but at the very core, it is a economy economy-building strategy: Entire industries are being created and even the soft power South Korea is gaining as a result of having all the positive sentiments of the people of a particular nation towards it. This also benefits them a lot geopolitically. It benefits the companies so it creates very high payoffs in the long run and that is why this is a brilliant investment only in 2018 Korea got a profit of 5 billion dollars from products and services, which means that it was five times the GDP of the country, whereas in 2003 this the revenue was only 40 million dollars and since 2012, the fan base of the worldwide Korean U content has increased from 90 lakh people to 15 crore people.

This is crazy right but this also makes me wonder whether India has Is there any such cultural strategy. I mean India, it has always been the land of music, dance, and Culture is there but are we able to use this strength of ours to develop a soft cultural influence in the whole world? Well, recently India targeted Buddhism to develop its cultural influence in Buddhist countries.

So, through Buddhism, India should try to spread its influence in 12 Buddhist countries of the world, but is this enough? Shouldn’t India do this on a bigger scale? Should pop culture also influence India? Well, what is your opinion on this, write in the comments, also did you know, that South Korea’s neighboring country, China, today calls itself a superpower by calling itself the second largest economy in the world, but recently some top Chinese Government official and even ex-president revealed that China’s real GDP Actually, it is greatly inflated i.e. the inflation is much less than what China says, China itself Incentivizes the provinces to bloat their figures.

Q1: How would Koreans react if an Indian becomes an idol?

Ans: We’ll never know unless and until one Indian becomes a popular culture icon, but it’s obvious that not everyone is the same. However, if the individual satisfies Korean beauty standards and other criteria, they will likely encounter less criticism. However, as the saying goes, “fame give you a lot of love with a lot of hate.” No K-pop superstar has ever avoided criticism at some time in their lives.not as of yet? That could come later, but criticism is unavoidable. Therefore, the hate and criticism is not a huge problem for them because of how much love K-pop fans have for their stars. Remember that idols are not adored for their nationality, but rather for who they are, their talents, and their abilities.

Q2: What do North Koreans and South Koreans think about India and Indians?

Ans: The nation of South Korea is advanced. Furthermore, the expense of living is similar there as it is in the USA.
Indians are simply seen by South Korean businesses as a way to save costs, despite the fact that their culture is very different from American culture. They genuinely exude respect, and their daily activities and professional lives reflect the senior-junior hierarchy. Indian laborers are treated there as mere workers. They regard themselves as superior than Indians in every way.
It’s obvious even if you go through the Electronic Market to shop. Some shops try to ignore customers from India, Sri Lanka, Nepal, and Pakistan, saying that it would be a waste of time to amuse them because we are bargaining.

Q3: Why is Korean culture becoming so popular in India these days?

Ans: There are several explanations for this:

1. In kdramas has a backstory to share. There are, of course, villains and protagonists, as well as a supporting cast, but they don’t center on a small number of key individuals. Every cast member’s narrative is told, including how and why they came to be this way.

2. They’re uninteresting since they don’t last as long as Indian serials. They can only have 40 episodes, each lasting an hour, and even then they don’t drag out the plot.

3. The concept, the music, and the attire are all exquisite.

4. One of the primary causes in Kdrama is also the characters. It would seem as though they are living out their genuine lives rather than merely acting out a part for the drama.

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